EUMeTrain: Storm, intense cold front/convective line over Europe, 29 February-01 March 2008

Derived Parameters

In this chapter derived parameters from NWP-models and from radiosoundings are presented. The potential vorticity in 310 K will be put in relation to the airmass RGB.

CAPE, Omega 500 hPa (model fields): time sequence [3h]
This chapter shows the COSMO-EU (Local model of DWD) fields of CAPE in combination with the vertical motion in 500 hPa (from the global model, GME because these fields are better to interpretate). This combination gives hints to lifting of potential unstable air yielding areas of possibly convection. More information about stability indices can be found in Stability indices.

PV 310 K, Airmass RGB: time sequence [3h]
The structures in the airmass RGB are related to Potential Vorticity. This enables us to understand the dynamical processes at the convective line.


Radiosoundings (1000 to 500 hPa)
Radiosoundings give us among other insight into different thermal advections in different altitudes and likely destabilisation. The wind speeds in 850 or 700 hPa are useful for estimating gusts in 2 metres height.

The same text for all levels and for each time step will be given.