Radiosoundings (1000 - 500 hPa), Time Sequence: 12h, 29 February to 01 March 2008, 12 UTC

29 February 2008, 00 UTC, 1000 hPa

This chapter contains the radiosounding measurements in 1000, 925, 850, 700 and 500 hPa. This shows us the vertical wind shear, especially the wind's turn with increasing height yielding different temperature advections. When we observe right turning in the lowest levels and almost no or even left turning above we get hints to increasing potential instability.

measurements in 1000 hPa are only available in flat areas. The radiosoundings reveal over France and South Germany right turning between 1000 and 850 hPa. Whereas over France we observe the right turn also in higher levels the measurements reveal over Germany partly left turning. This indicates in creasing potential instability over South England and Germany. Over France we have warm air advection in low and middle levels.