Severe Storms RGB Time Sequence: 30min, 01 March 2008      key

01 March 2008, 07.00 UTC

The RGB "Severe Storms" which is also discussed thoroughly in the MSG interpretation guide, is suitable for the detection of deep convection and enables us to discriminate between young and active and old and decaying convective cells.

The interpretation of the colours goes according to:

With this RGB it is possible to perform more detailed diganostics. An important information in addition to the colour are the areas' shape and its position in relation to the airmass distribution. A convective cell with high potential for intensification exhibits a rounded shape. If the position of the yellow spot is at the "warm edge" of a cell we have to expect a higher probability for cell intensification. The images will be shown in 30-minutes intervals.

The convective band extended from the Baltic Sea to West Germany. We see only dark red clouds, i.e., relatively big ice particles.

Note: You can always click on the key in the header to bring up the RGB-key.