RGB (HRV-HRV-10.8) Time Sequence: 30min, 01 March 2008

01 March, 2008, 07.00 UTC

This chapter presents a sequence of day composites (HRV/HRV/IR10.8). This composite enables us to monitor small structures (HRV with a horizontal resolution of about 2 km in Middle Europe) in combination with cloud top temperatures (however, horizontal resolution about 5 km in Middle Europe).

The colours of the clouds in the HRV-HRV-10.8 RGB can be interpreted as:

This image reveals very clearly the cold front over Middle Europe (blueish, shadow), separated by a stripe with only a few low clouds (due to cold air advection). Northwest of it the positive vorticity near the trough's axis exceeded the effects by the cold air advection: We find the convective line extending from the Baltic Sea to West Germany.