Relevant radiosoundings of 00 UTC

9th June 2004: 00UTC
This image shows the radiosoundings from 00 UTC at 3 stations in Northern Germany (Emden, Schleswig, Bergen) that were near-by the pass of the super cell during the next hours. From the left part of the picture we obtain a tropopause at -64°C in 12 km height, a strong vertical wind shear (especially Emden, white curve). We find for Schleswig and Emden (blue, violet) a jet in 5 and 6 km, respectively that is a hint to extreme convective events. Emden and Bergen (letter not shown) exhibit for all thunderstorm indices a risk to severe convection. Gusts of up to beaufort 9 are derived (method of Nakamura). The right part of the picture shows the the vertical profiles of the potential temperature (Tpot, white), pseudopotential temperature (tpspot, red) and tpspot-sat (saturated air, green). The red and green curve exhibit a potential instability between about 1 and 6 kilometres (decreasing temperatures with height).