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Chapter VI: Polar Orbiters Or Geostationary?

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Polar orbiters or Geostationary?

LST can be measured by sensors onboard polar orbiting or geostationary satellites. The first type provides long time series at a finer spatial resolution, and for many purposes the twice per day temporal frequency available from these systems is good enough. However, for many applications the LST diurnal cycle is mandatory, and it can only be obtained by geostationary satellites.

Type of orbit Advantages Disadvantages
Geostationary The high temporal frequency enables to capture the diurnal cycle of LST Higher viewing angle - more atmospheric attenuation
Larger pixel size & increasing with viewing angle - retrievals hard to validate
Spatial coverage limited to the satellite disk - polar regions are not covered and constellation is required to cover the GEO-ring.
Polar Long time series
Global spatial coverage
Low time frequency- lack of diurnal cycle